First off, and as I mentioned to you privately, I am thrilled to have you back. Your presence and contributions to this space are refreshing and necessary. No pressure though, so please keep focusing on yourself (after everything you said, I don't think I need to remind you, but I think it's worth saying).

I am so sorry to hear you've been through all this shit. I firmly believe the coercion, mass hysteria and blanket health mandates during covid constituted the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust. The vaccines were experimental (no judgment here, just a simple fact). While I can understand that for some people they were useful, helpful and even therapeutic, we should have been given a choice, and they should have never been a pre-requisite to go about our lives, travel, get a job or access the healthcare system to treat other conditions especially considering how little was known back then (and how much we've found out now).

I don't want to add insult to injury or fuel to your anger so I will just reiterate that you can count on my support for whatever it is you feel I could help. Don't ever hesitate to reach out.

Just a thought about what you say about performing -- perhaps home/studio recording would be more suitable as a way to ease yourself back into it all?

On the bright side of things, I am pleased to hear you have reconnected with yourself on so many levels, and I wish you the absolute best for this new chapter in your life. I, for one, will always be rooting for you. Un abrazo.

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Thank you, Andres, for your words and support.

I’m not sure I should attempt a full clearly detailed definition of β€˜creativity’ and β€˜hard-work’, however, that’s what seems to make me and countless others tick. For me recording is a walk in the park, and something inside me says dig deep, put in the work in, and get in front of an audience. For sure, I want to record too, however I want to see which songs survive the live test before I decide what to record.

This whole vaccine topic is vast and so volatile β€” I just don’t really want to touch it, like I say I’m not an activist and I just want to live my life. However I’m certain I’m not an isolated case. Just for example Ellen told me Eric Clapton experienced very severe numbness in his hands post Covid-19 vaccination (although I think he was already being troubled by this less severely prior).

Gracias, amigo mΓ­o, y tambiΓ©n abrazote

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I figured recording wouldn’t be challenging enough for you, but it might ease the pressure a off a bit especially when it comes to the numbness in your hand.

Crazy that Clapton also experienced it. A sign it happens to the greatest πŸ˜‰

Mucha fuerza!

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Great post, Nic. Thank you for writing it. It took guts!

You might relate to this Kenny Loggins quote -- "I'm not writing for other people. I'm writing for me." I think your new musical approach is great.

I'm so sorry you are going through all of this, and yet what's remarkably positive is that you are having a spiritual renaissance. My brother has been doing the same, as his partner has gone through a serious and accelerating decline in health, and he has also turned to extensive daily bouts of meditation as well as spiritual seeking. He just passed on to me a book that I think you might love, "Becoming Supernatural" by Dr. Joe Dispenza. The very first story is about a woman with extremely serious health problems and a life falling apart who turned it all around, so perhaps you will find his unconventional approaches based in neuro-psychology to be helpful. They certainly couldn't hurt.

I will be very interested in hearing how things progress with you. You're on a very positive path despite your health problems. You will be a role model for others, Nic.

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Hi Ellen, thank you for your very thoughtful comment and support. And thank you for sharing about your background and deep experience, so useful.

Where to start?

You're the second person to recommend "Becoming Supernatural", I've bought it and I'll take a delve.

About 'authority figures' -- I had a conversation with a very close friend recently about the side effects of vaccines and shoddy scientific research. He is super intelligent, and his wife is a doctor. He basically told me I was wrong to think that published scientific papers, especially deriving from universities, were inaccurate or misleading. He said it was impossible for such papers to get past the pier review process. I bit my tongue and decided not to argue with him...

Bit by bit I'm going to continue my own research, and, well, just try to adapt. ATM my research focus is diet and exercise, and how to improve what I'm already doing.

With regards to spirituality, well, I have a very deep and firm background in Buddhism, and I've meditated for many years. However, I've gravitated away from organised groups, which always seem to become sect/cult-like. I feel much more at home following my own nose, researching what others do, and borrowing/trying their ideas and approaches. One person who has written a few books on this very topic, about the personal spiritual journey, is the English scientist, Rupert Sheldrake, whom I admire greatly. In his book 'Ways to Go Beyond and Why They Work - Seven Spiritual Practices in a Scientific Age' he sets out his really down-to-earth easily doable approach to a daily spiritual practice.

Thank you again, and all the best to you.

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I once went to hear Rupert Sheldrake speak on the dogs knowing when their humans are coming home and it was fascinating. The funny thing is that researchers like him are put down by mainstream academia while the US military is doing parapsychology research far beyond what he is doing. I'll have to read the book of his you've recormmended.

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Sheldrake’s book β€˜The Science Delusion’ is a real eye opener! It basically does what you just did in your comment (regarding scientific papers/research) β€” he factually and evidentially derails many scientific β€˜facts’, showing, showing them to be simply untrue, and that science has become a religion with dogma.

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